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The mission of the Mary M. Jalonick Women’s Philanthropy Institute (WPI) is to educate, inspire, and empower women to become more confident and engaged donors at every stage of their philanthropic journey while connecting them with the needs of the community and the organizations addressing those needs.
In a typical year, WPI meets eight times per year, including a kickoff luncheon and wrap-up meeting, as well as 4-5 site visits to nonprofits in the Dallas-area. “Lunch and Learns” provide an opportunity for members to become educated on how to strategically evaluate a nonprofit, including a review of financial documents and organizational structure, and to hear from a community expert on the overarching focus of the site visits. This strengthens WPI’s process of awarding a grant to a vetted nonprofit, and provides tools for the member’s personal philanthropy.
At the end of the year, the group votes on an agency to receive a grant from the Mary M. Jalonick Women’s Philanthropy Institute Fund held at The Dallas Foundation. Grant money is raised through contributions, which include a required $500 minimum donation per member.
In the past 10 years alone, more than 200 women have participated in institute activities and given more than $36.5 million to the community through their donor advised funds. The institute has also visited dozens of nonprofit organizations.
Ruth Fitzgibbons, Dallas Foundation Donor and Member, Women's Philanthropy Institute
These four nonprofits are offering WPI a behind the scenes look at their organizations and are candidates for the pool of grant funds to be awarded during the year-end luncheon.
To be a part of this dynamic group of women, each member agrees to contribute a minimum of $500 to the grant pool. If you are able, please also consider becoming a WPI Pacesetter with a contribution of $10,000 or more to help ensure that we can continue to grant out as much as possible to our community. In the past four years, WPI members granted $300,000 to nonprofit organizations in the greater Dallas community, underscoring the power of collective giving.
You may make your grant contribution now, or anytime prior to December 1. Grant contributions can be made via the link below or recommended through your Dallas Foundation Donor Advised Fund. We look forward to another record breaking year!