Three tornadoes moved through Dallas and our neighboring communities on Sunday night, displacing families, students and teachers, and causing considerable damage to homes and schools. Many in our community have experienced a tremendous loss.
If you would like to provide support to the victims of last weekend’s tornadoes, please consider donating to the following organizations:
City of Dallas Emergency Assistance Fund – supports emergency assistance for broad-based community emergencies that severely affect Dallas, including those living in or relocated to the city, and that require immediate response. You may specify that your gift is for tornado victim assistance.
Bachman Lake Together Family Center – will provide basic needs assistance such as food, housing and clothing to families living in the Bachman neighborhood affected by the tornadoes. Please note, these donations will not provide direct financial assistance to individuals, but rather to agencies which provide such services.
Thomas Jefferson High School Alumni Legacy Gift Fund – support specific to Thomas Jefferson High School.
The Dallas Foundation’s Relief Fund – helps address needs in the aftermath of a public emergency or other crisis event primarily within North Texas, such as the tornadoes, and in this case will be directed to support areas surrounding Dallas that were affected by Sunday’s tornadoes. Please note, these donations will not provide direct financial assistance to individuals, but rather to agencies which provide such services.
Catholic Charities – will provide Tornado Disaster Relief directly to individuals and families in need.